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  Trish's Sentinel Universes

Welcome to my web site. When I discovered The Sentinel TV series, it was like someone threw a switch in my head. Stories about Jim and Blair filled my mind and my imagination. Together with my faithful companion, the PageGnome (slayer of the comma demon), I began to write....and write....and write. Sometimes I even type them into the computer and they wind up here!

I hope you enjoy these tales, and the various alternate universes each inhabits. Fans of other shows like One West Waikiki and The Highlander, the Pretender, Stargate SG-1, and even Buffy the Vampire Slayer will find tales involving Blair and Jim. (They DO get around!)

What's New!

Sorry it has taken so long to add any new stories, but sometimes real life buries the muse. Plus this particular story just seemed to just takes extra time.

Blair and Jim find a prisoner transfer is anything but routine in The Sentinel in Sunnydale

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